Bolshoi Simulations

There are two Bolshoi simulations: Bolshoi uses WMAP cosmology and BolshoiP is for the Planck cosmology. Both were produced with the ART N-body code. The simulations use 250Mpc/h computation boxes and 2048^3 particles. Force resolution (size of the smallest cell) 1kpc/h (proper). More details of the simulations are given here.


cosmological parameters:
Ω_0 =0.270   Ω_L   =0.730    Ω_bar =0.047
σ_8  =0.820    h    = 0.70   Particle =1.3e8Msun/h.
Linear Power Spectrum: Pk not normalized.

BDM halos
RockStar halos
Raw particles in PM format: z=0, 0.002, 0.228, 3.75, 10.8
Raw particles in PMss format: z= 0, 0.5, 1, 3

cosmological parameters:
Ω_0 =0.307   Ω_L   =0.693    Ω_bar =0.048
σ_8  =0.823    h    = 0.68   Particle =1.5e8Msun/h.
Linear Power Spectrum: Pk

BDM halos
RockStar halos merging trees
Raw particles in PMss format: z=0, 0.107, 0.2194, 0.344, 0.485, 0.606, 0.7331, 100